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                      Water Management

Do you want to reduce the cost of water services for your business while also saving you and your staff time?

Our water audit service at Blue Sky Management Ltd can help you achieve this. With extensive experience and great success stories for our existing clients we’d be happy to talk to you about what we can do for you to lower your water costs and lower your consumption levels.
The best ways to make considerable savings in water charges throughout the UK are to:
- reduce your consumption
- challenge the charges on your water bills
- ensure you have the correct size of water meter

As water consultants we will carry out a FREE independent water audit of your existing water and sewerage
charges to identify how we can make savings and/or achieve possible  refunds. After our desktop and/or site survey, Blue Sky Management Ltd will then make recommendations as to the ways in which savings can be made.  For instance we may talk to you regarding the way your water consumption is measured as it is always essential to measure before being able to properly manage. The sophisticated software we use enable our experts to analyse
your water consumption data. Then, armed with that data, we can send our experts on to your site(s). They will determine how best to reduce your water consumption and your sewerage charges.Remember, we get paid out of the savings we make for clients. No savings means no fees to be paid!